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Triumph Thunderbird Bodywork Restoration

When you send your pride and joys' bodywork off to a specialist painter/repairer you expect to get it back in tip top condition. Sadly that didn't happen as the parts were poorly packaged on the return trip.  They were sent back for re-repair and time went by ...and by.  Turns out there had been a fire at said specialists premises and the parts had suffered some damage.  Luckily the parts came back with only minor scorching and were brought to me.


First thing I noticed was dust and imperfections in the finish, not to mention the pinstriping was poor. The more I looked the worse it got.  Then I noticed a small crack in the top of the tank, that could only mean one thing.  Filler.  Nothing wrong with it in very small doses but......


The parts were sent off as they had been damaged in an accident.  Owner luckily got away with damaged pride but the tank had several dents that needed pulling. You would think a specialist would do that?  Nope. Tank was covered in filler, in places it was 26mm deep.  Seriously?


After the full EDC treatment there was a happy ending.  Enjoy the gallery and remember kids, say NO to filler!

"Every job is unique, every customer an individual, 

I pride myself on personal service"                               

                   Eoin Cumming